
Natural Mangal Kaanta

Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹591.00.

This product is designed to enhance self-confidence, promote courage, and support emotional and physical well-being. It is believed to be beneficial for individuals seeking to boost their immunity, overcome blood-related health issues, and achieve financial success. Additionally, this product encourages determination, helping individuals stay focused and motivated on their path to success.



What are the Benefits of “PRODUCT Tantra”? This product provides a range of benefits, from boosting confidence and courage to improving overall health. It is believed to help treat blood diseases, support immune function, and promote mental clarity. Financial success is another key benefit, with the product said to attract prosperity and opportunities. The product also strengthens determination, making it easier for individuals to remain focused on their goals and overcome obstacles.

Who Shall Use This Product? This product is ideal for individuals seeking to improve their self-confidence, boost their immune system, or overcome blood-related health issues. It is especially beneficial for those who are focused on achieving financial success and looking for ways to remain motivated and determined in their personal and professional lives.

Difference Between Charged & Uncharged Product: A charged version of this product has been specifically energized to enhance its ability to bring about positive changes more quickly and effectively. It offers stronger results in boosting confidence, immunity, and financial success. An uncharged product will still provide benefits but may take more time to show noticeable results and will require regular use.

What are the Preventions While Wearing/Using the “PRODUCT”? To ensure the product’s effectiveness, it should be kept clean and free from exposure to harsh chemicals or extreme conditions. It is essential to store it in a calm and positive environment to maintain its energizing properties. Regular cleansing is advised to keep its effects potent.

How Many “PRODUCTs” to Wear/Have? One piece of this product is typically sufficient to experience its benefits. While multiple pieces may not be necessary, some may choose to use more for specific purposes, such as placing it in different areas of their home or workspace to enhance its effect.

On Which Day to Wear/Use this “PRODUCT”? This product can be used on any day, but it is particularly effective when used on Mondays, which are traditionally considered auspicious for boosting confidence and embarking on new ventures. Using it on a Friday can also enhance its ability to attract financial success.

Who Shall Wear/Use this “PRODUCT”? This product is suitable for anyone looking to improve their self-confidence, boost their immunity, treat blood diseases, or achieve financial success. It is also perfect for those needing additional motivation and determination to stay focused on their goals.

A product typically includes everything intact. To account for any unforeseen issues, confirm everything. This ensures that if any product is found to be damaged or broken, it can be replaced while still meeting the required objective.

The presence of web-like or crack-like patterns in the stones/beads is a natural characteristic. These patterns form naturally during the process of creating the stones.



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